about the publisher

A while back, some nice person reviewed my old blog and pointed out that I didn't include any info about me, and I needed more graphics. So here's a little info about me:

I'm originally from Alabama (War Eagle!), lived in Charlotte for the past few years, and now I'm back in Alabama.

I am - married with kids, a techie geek for a living, did the Atkins thing (lost 20 (gained most of it back ha)), a Navy veteran (submarines), a pretty good cook, and a Saturn owner (2 of em actually).

Computer games used to be like crack to me, I seem to be recovering thanks mostly to burnout and no good new games lately. I still have a standing challenge out to Laurita to take me on at CounterStrike, but oddly enough she seems to continue ignoring me.

I believe that a cocktail should contain at most 3 ingredients, not counting the ice. Jack Daniels on the rocks is my preferred adult beverage, followed closely by a good martini. A good martini is not blue, and the glass does not have sugar around the rim. It is cold gin and a little vermouth. Period.

I'm an occasional smoker (don't tell the insurance people). No cigarettes, though... I smoke cigars when it's warm and pipes when it's cold. I was one of the amateur reviewers at a now defunct cigar web site in December of 1997, I think I did a good job.

I believe that people who are constantly chattering into cell phones are almost as annoying as the people who are trying to outlaw cell phones. I hate anime, melodramatic goth crap, salesmen, politicians, ignorant rednecks, and people who think the south is full of ignorant rednecks. I love reading (check out Richard Ford), spicy food, tea (sweet or unsweet, iced or hot, it's all good), SEC football, NASCAR, and my flannel PJ bottoms, they rawk when it's chilly. I also love women, but that's a whole nother story.

I think a lot of things are redundant. For instance, do we really need Sarah Michelle Gellar AND Jennifer Love Hewitt? And for God's sake, how long are they gonna milk the Star Trek stuff out? As long as the uber geeks keep shelling out money I guess.

I discovered blogging around the start of 2001, and created the times on geocities back when stuff was free. I was inspired by Mookie, and still steal links from him whenever I can get away with it. The first part of 2002 geocities started charging extra for stuff you need to have a blog, and I felt like I needed a break anyway, so we took a hiatus for a while and I dropped the occasional nugget on 3bruces. Now I'm back, I hope to do a little more writing and I'll try not to bore you. Check in when you can, we're paid up till the end of 2003.

Warmest Regards,

Publisher, Editor, Writer, Linkmastah
hard times

updated september 2003